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Read the latest news, articles and updates about the Minnesota Wind Chill and the Minnesota Strike.
Jeph Novak
Jun 25, 2023
Buried in the Mountains: Wind Chill Lose to Colorado Summit
The Wind Chill's offense was stifled in Colorado, and their defense didn't add much in terms of productivity in the team's second loss.
Jay Novak
Jun 21, 2023
Sup, Buds? Wind Chill @ Summit Preview
The Wind Chill are flying to the Rockies this week for an interdivisional game in the peaks against one of the league’s best. Or maybe not?
Jeph Novak
Jun 14, 2023
Mid-Season Thoughts
Jeph, Jay, and Caine each share thoughts on what they’ve seen in the Wind Chill thus far, and where they think the season will go.
Jeph Novak
Jun 11, 2023
Close Calls, Jump Balls, Wind Chill Beat Radicals
Both teams navigated windy conditions, difficult defenses, high emotions, and plenty of turnovers in an intense matchup.
Jeph Novak
Jun 5, 2023
Wind Chill Talk's Mid-Season Trade Proposals
The AUDL doesn’t have a trade deadline, and teams almost never exchange players. But if they did, who would be on the Wind Chill’s list?
Jeph Novak
Jun 2, 2023
The Strike Complete Their Perfect Season
They did it. The Strike took on challenger after challenger, scoring 98 goals and 6 wins that culminated in an undefeated record.
Caine Novak
May 19, 2023
Home, Sweet Foam
I can’t help but smile when I’m down on the fence cheering for my favorite teams. The energy is great, fans are loud, and games are fun.
Caine Novak
May 8, 2023
Wind Chill Fend Off AlleyCats 23-21
Every Central Division team has their eyes set on Championship Weekend. The Wind Chill faced a tough opponent in their first game.
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